eSchoolNews hosted the Empowering Learning Through Video webinar featuring leading educators discussing how they are innovating education through the power of video. The webinar was sponsored by JDL Horizons, creators of EduVision, a key tool used by these educators.

Anywhere, Anytime Video Book Reports
Students in Van Meter, Iowa, are using technology creatively to create video book reports their fellow students can watch in school hallways on their mobile devices.
QR codes on student’s pictures can be scanned for the URL of the video, enabling students, teachers and parents to watch these video book reports anywhere.
Student Videos Fuel Choose Kind Campaign
Using Camtasia Relay, a mobile device and EduVision, Van Meter students are leading the Choose Kind Campaign – Making a Difference in 2013.
Safe, Secure, Effective Blended Learning Environment
Wisconsin’s Shorewood School District is moving to a blended and flipped learning model. To support their new 7×24 curriculum, they created a safe, seamless environment with Moodle and EduVision.
Flipped Over Moodle
Shorewood students access their flipped learning courses directly from Moodle, a safe and easy to use environment that enables them to interact fully with the curriculum and their teacher
Flipped Founder Focused on Future
Jon Bergmann, one of the founders of flipped learning, discussed what flipped learning is – and isn’t – and how it is evolving. It is a great starting point, leading to deeper and deeper levels of engagement and learning potential
Video Tool Kit “Easy Button”
Jon described some key tools he uses, and refers to “The Easy Button” tool set of Camtasia Relay and EduVision. These tools enable even the least technical teachers and students to make quality videos with virtually no training or effort required.
Early adopters are finding it very easy to learn and to get started creating videos that educate, communicate, persuade, or whatever they need to accomplish in their work
Jon Bergmann and other key flipped learning innovators are sponsoring the 6th annual Flipped Learning Conference. Spots are filling up quickly.
Reserve your spot here

What you will learn:
- How to create simple video captures to get students producing and sharing video Book Talks and other creative projects
- How to easily pair a learning management system with a video portal to expand student and staff learning
- How to safely produce and share student and instructional videos across a district
- Simple ways to create & manage video to flip classrooms and enhance learning and engagement
- Easy to use tools that make capturing and sharing educational content a breeze
Webinar Speakers
Shannon Miller,
K-12 Teacher Librarian,
Van Meter School

Connie Jaeger,
Technology Coordinator,
Shorewood School District

Jon Bergmann,
Teacher, Educational Coach and Writer,
Flipped Learning Network

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Connects you to all the latest news, information, and resources on how today’s educators are using technology to advance learning.
EduVision from JDL Horizons is a powerful video platform created specifically for schools, districts, and associations.You can try EduVision in your school or organization right now. Try EduVision for 30 days free.
Learn More About Suppliers Mentioned in this Webinar
eClass4learning is committed to helping educational organizations improve instruction and student outcomes by offering customized solutions that are engaging, relevant, standards-based, and focused on best practices for blended, hybrid, online and one-to-one computing environments. Learn More
Skip months of research and be up and running in days. Camtasia Relay isn’t just lecture capture or presentation capture. It’s knowledge capture, an online training software, e-learning software, an archiving and sharing tool, and more.