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Safe, Secure & Managed
Content is safe with the ability to password protect, make videos private… and more. Unlimited channels, channel managers and users.

No Advertisements, No Questionable Content
Never any ads. Never any questionable content displayed with your videos.
Your content, image and brand are never compromised.

WCAG 2.0 AA Compliance for Closed Captions
WCAG 2.0 AA Compliance Package
Enabling Schools to be Quickly Compliant for live streaming and on-demand Closed Captions

Engage your Community With Live Streaming Key Events
More and more, schools need community support in order to achieve excellence.
With Eduvision, schools can communicate with the community, both live and on demand. School board meetings, announcements, proposals are very high priority right now. In addition, Eduvision enables schools to gather community feedback directly from your video.
Imagine the power of asking for community feedback (anonymous or not) on key issues raised in school board meetings, getting people’s insights on your proposals and strategies, and asking for community input on any important issue.
Eduvision also allows you to bookmark content — which is extremely helpful for long school board meetings. The bookmarks will show as the viewers scroll over the video and they can select the exact content they wish to see.
Your own YouTube Broadcast Television Station
- Without the ads
- Without the questionable content
- With full student privacy
- With WCAG 2.0 AA Compliance for your entire video library
- With fully organized and managed content that is easy to find, share and syndicate
- With integration into your LMS
- and so much more…
Comparison of Eduvision with Other Platforms